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Deforestation control in the Brazilian Amazon: A conservation struggle being lost as agreements and regulations are subverted and bypassed
William D. Carvalho, Karen Mustin, Renato R. Hilário, Ivan M. Vasconcelos, Vivianne Eilers, Philip M. Fearnside
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:122-30

  • Brazil's regulations governing deforestation and logging are often circumvented.

  • Agreements with soy and beef companies are important but need strengthening.

  • Effectiveness of commodity agreements is diminished by laundering and leakage.

  • Timber harvest and transportation permits are open to widespread fraud.

  • Ways exist to reduce circumvention of commodity agreements and regulations.

Open access
Why Brazil needs its Legal Reserves
Jean Paul Metzger, Mercedes M.C. Bustamante, Joice Ferreira, Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, Felipe Librán-Embid, Valério D. Pillar, Paula R. Prist, Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, ... 407 scientist signatories (including 391 PhD researchers from 79 Brazilian research institutions)
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:91-103

  • Legal Reserves represent almost one third of all remaining native vegetation in Brazil.

  • There is no solid argument, evidence or theory that support that Legal Reserve extinction will favor Brazil development.

  • The extinction of Legal Reserves will lead to a huge increase in native vegetation loss, with blatant negative consequences on biodiversity and ecosystem services provision.

  • Legal Reserves are a key-component for effective and less expensive nature-based solutions.

  • Legal Reserves should be considered as assets for the development of Brazil rather than liabilities.

Open access
Hunting in Brazil: What are the options?
Chiara Bragagnolo, Gabriela M. Gama, Felipe A.S. Vieira, João Vitor Campos-Silva, Enrico Bernard, Ana C.M. Malhado, Ricardo A. Correia, Paul Jepson, ... Richard J. Ladle
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:71-9

  • Hunting is banned in Brazil.

  • Illegal hunting in Brazil is widespread and cultural embedded.

  • Data about wildlife, habitat distribution and motivations for hunting are lacking.

  • Main factors driving non-compliance are analyzed and discussed.

  • Policy options to deal with hunting in the future are proposed.

Open access
Por que o Brasil precisa de suas Reservas Legais
Jean Paul Metzger, Mercedes M.C. Bustamante, Joice Ferreira, Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, Felipe Librán‐Embid, Valério D. Pillar, Paula R. Prist, Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, ... 407 cientistas signatários (incluindo 391 pesquisadores doutores de 79 instituições brasileiras de ensino superior e pesquisa)
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:104-16
Open access
Hope and doubt for the world's marine ecosystems
H.T. Pinheiro, J.B. Teixeira, R.B. Francini-Filho, A. Soares-Gomes, C.E.L. Ferreira, L.A. Rocha
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:19-25

  • Signatory parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity declared daring commitments to reach the Sustainable Development Goal 14.

  • United Nations seems optimistic with the progress achieved towards SDG 14.

  • However, major challenges presented by signatory governments are slowing down or compromising the achievement of the targets.

  • Here we present initiatives and examples that give us hope towards the sustainability of the world's marine biodiversity.

Open access
Climate change will drive mammal species loss and biotic homogenization in the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot
José Hidasi-Neto, Daiany Caroline Joner, Fernando Resende, Lara de Macedo Monteiro, Frederico Valtuille Faleiro, Rafael Dias Loyola, Marcus Vinicius Cianciaruso
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:57-63

  • Niche modelling and Alpha and Beta diversity analyses in Brazilian Cerrado.

  • Biotic homogenization in Southern Cerrado.

  • Species richness loss throughout Cerrado.

Open access
Airport noise and wildlife conservation: What are we missing?
Renata D. Alquezar, Regina H. Macedo
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:163-71

  • Airport-produced noise is unsuitable for areas of wildlife protection.

  • Noise can generate stress and jeopardize wildlife reproduction.

  • There is a need in Brazil to implement noise regulation within areas of wildlife protection.

Open access
There is hope for achieving ambitious Atlantic Forest restoration commitments
Renato Crouzeilles, Edson Santiami, Marcos Rosa, Ludmila Pugliese, Pedro H.S. Brancalion, Ricardo R. Rodrigues, Jean P. Metzger, Miguel Calmon, ... Severino Pinto
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:80-3
Open access
The soda lakes of Nhecolândia: A conservation opportunity for the Pantanal wetlands
Renato L. Guerreiro, Ivan Bergier, Michael M. McGlue, Lucas V. Warren, Urbano Gomes Pinto de Abreu, Jônatas Abrahão, Mario L. Assine
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:9-18

  • Unsustainable land use changes threaten the Pantanal wetlands.

  • Origins of soda lakes in southern Pantanal (Nhecolândia) have recently been unveiled.

  • Nhecolândia's soda lakes are carbon sinks with poorly known geomicrobiology.

  • Conservation of soda lakes can benefit organic sustainable beef production.

  • Soda lake extremophiles may be analogs to early life and the deep biosphere.

Open access
Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear in Brazil: A review
Jéssica Link, Bárbara Segal, Luiz Miguel Casarini
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:1-8

  • First review on abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in Brazil.

  • The ALDFG record began in the 1990s along beach strips.

  • Studies focusing on underwater debris began in the 2000s and ALDFG were found in all categories applied for the marine litter collected in these research efforts.

  • Only 9 studies are focused on ALDFG and started from 2009 onwards.

  • We highlight what is known, the most studied areas, and what are the knowledge gaps about ALDFG.

Open access
Balancing land sharing and sparing approaches to promote forest and landscape restoration in agricultural landscapes: Land approaches for forest landscape restoration
Paula Meli, José María Rey-Benayas, Pedro H.S. Brancalion
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:201-5

  • Land sharing/sparing approaches offer interdependent and complementary opportunities for Forest and Landscape Restoration.

  • Landscape configuration and governance issues drive the focus, forest types, and location of the restorative interventions.

  • Sharing/sparing opportunities should consider the social context and a multi-stakeholder process.

Open access
Will life find a way out? Evolutionary rescue and Darwinian adaptation to climate change
José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho, Luis Mauricio Bini
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:117-21

  • Studies in climate change usually assume that time is too short for evolution.

  • Some models suggest that evolutionary rescue of populations is plausible.

  • Despite the interest, these models are hard to parameterize.

  • Here we review these models and point out the problems and uncertainties.

  • We discuss the way forward to understand adaptive potential to climate changes.

Open access
Silent loss: Misapplication of an environmental law compromises conservation in a Brazilian biodiversity hotspot
Deise Tatiane Bueno Miola, Ana Paula Marinho, Roberta Lima Campos Dayrell, Fernando Augusto Oliveira Silveira
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:84-9

  • Inadequate application of the CONAMA resolution 423/2010 threatens conservation in campo rupestre (CR).

  • The list of bioindicator species currently used comprises only 2.9% of the known flora of the CR.

  • There is no scientific basis to support sere classification in CR.

  • CR is in a retrogressive phase of ecological succession.

  • Revising and creating specific legislation to protect the CR is pressing.

Open access
Critical shifts on spatial traits and the risk of extinction of Andean anurans: an assessment of the combined effects of climate and land-use change in Colombia
William José Agudelo-Hz, Nicolás Urbina-Cardona, Dolors Armenteras-Pascual
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:206-19

  • Changes in the extent of suitable habitat and area of occupancy (AOO) were assessed by the combined effects of climate and land-use change in Andean anurans.

  • Climate and land-use changes will cause a relative loss of 63.4 % to 79.4 % of the current extent of suitable habitat and 49.6 % to 72.6 % of AOO of Andean anurans by the year 2050.

  • The collapse of the area of occupation (AOO) identified twice as many species at risk of extinction as the loss of the extent of suitable habitat.

  • Extent of suitable habitat and the area of occupancy (AOO) have great potential to measure the combined effects of climate change and land use on the future risk of extinction of the species.

Open access
The Holy Grail of biodiversity conservation management: Monitoring impact in projects and project portfolios
P.J. Stephenson
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:182-92

  • Existing project management guidelines inadequately address the issue of planning projects in a project portfolio and how to aggregate data, so many conservation projects are badly monitored.

  • To enhance programme delivery and monitoring, I define Five Steps to Conservation Impact around: Planning; Common; Indicators; Monitoring; Interpretation; Action.

  • These steps differ from other project management guidelines by linking common goals with common indicators and measuring aggregated conservation impact.

  • Enabling conditions to ensure success include: senior managers are willing to establish a results-based management culture; attribution is considered an aspiration not a hindrance; capacity and tools are in place.

  • Making impact monitoring the norm will require a culture change within the conservation community.

Open access
Protecting forests at the expense of native grasslands: Land-use policy encourages open-habitat loss in the Brazilian cerrado biome
Juliana Bonanomi, Fernando R. Tortato, Raphael de Souza R. Gomes, Jerry M. Penha, Anderson Saldanha Bueno, Carlos A. Peres
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:26-31

  • Current Brazilian environmental legislation fails to consider the habitat heterogeneity of the cerrado biome.

  • Legal reserves are severely biased in protecting forest environments at the expense of natural cerrado vegetation, thereby neglecting open-habitat biotas that are rapidly succumbing to agricultural conversion.

  • Protected areas and Indigenous Lands contain a higher proportion of non-forest habitat than Legal Reserves within private landholdings.

Open access
Geographic bias in the media reporting of aquatic versus terrestrial human predator conflicts and its conservation implications
Hugo Bornatowski, Nigel E. Hussey, Cláudio L.S. Sampaio, Rodrigo R.P. Barreto
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:32-5

  • Terrestrial predator–human conflicts occur predominantly in developing nations.

  • Shark–human conflicts occur in the developed world, with rapid mass media coverage.

  • Terrestrial predator–human conflicts only were reported when are linked to western people (basically hunters or visitors).

  • The media is often determined to over sensationalize without consideration of impacts for conservation.

Open access
Impacts of climate changes on spatio-temporal diversity patterns of Atlantic Forest primates
Adriana Almeida de Lima, Milton Cezar Ribeiro, Carlos Eduardo de Viveiros Grelle, Míriam Plaza Pinto
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:50-6

  • Spatial richness patterns will be maintained in the future but with a general loss in species number.

  • Spatial beta diversity will increase in the future, enhancing the spatial heterogeneity.

  • Beta diversity will change through time.

  • Changes in spatial and temporal beta diversity are mainly in turnover and nestedness, respectively.

  • Beta diversity changes may be due to reductions in primates distributions.

Open access
Green versus green? Adverting potential conflicts between wind power generation and biodiversity conservation in Brazil
Marlon Neri, Davi Jameli, Enrico Bernard, Felipe P.L. Melo
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:131-5

  • Brazilian Caatinga lacks legal protection.

  • Wind-powered energy is mainly generated in the Caatinga.

  • Creation of new protected areas and the establishment of wind farms may generate conflicts of interest.

  • Millions of hectares mapped as of priority for the Caatinga conservation are also suitable for wind-energy.

  • Preventing conflict of interest is needed to achieve both energy and conservation goals.

Open access
Towards an applied metaecology
Luis Schiesari, Miguel G. Matias, Paulo Inácio Prado, Mathew A. Leibold, Cecile H. Albert, Jennifer G. Howeth, Shawn J. Leroux, Renata Pardini, ... Diego P. Vázquez
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019;17:172-81

  • Ecological systems are interlinked through fluxes of organisms, energy, and matter.

  • These spatial interdependencies form the basis of metaecological theory.

  • Applications in conservation and environmental management are apparent but lag behind.

  • Narrowing this gap requires incorporating realism and scenarios of environmental change.

  • Interacting scientists, practitioners and decision-makers will guide this development.

Open access
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation